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              SET YOURSELF FREE
            Start Living on Purpose!


take control of



Today is the day of change. Where you take control of your life and no longer give your power away to someone or something else.

Lotus Flower
stop talking

The law of attraction is a universal law that stipulates that God is creator of all and you are co-creator of your own reality. Every person or event that is a part of your life are there because you attracted them by using your own thoughts, feelings, or actions. Your best friend and spouse are a part of your life because you attracted them to you.


All thoughts and feelings are energies, whether negative or positive. This means that Negative thoughts attract negative experiences and positive thoughts attract positive experiences. If you place your negative energy out into the ether you will attract negative people and events, but having a positive outlook on life will ensure that you encounter positive people and experiences.


By knowing that you are empowered and by following these 3 easy steps you can learn how to use The Law of Attraction to take control of your life.


Step 1: Conceive

In a calm state of mind, begin to think about what you want and do not doubt yourself. You are focusing your thoughts on one specific thing, and you are sending this thought out into the universe. Send a clear message out into the magnetic field and it  will respond with clear results. You can also write your desires on a piece of paper. Place them where you can see the vision daily. Take a moment to visualize on them in the morning and just before you fall asleep at night.


Step 2: Believe

Be patient and trust that God is working to provide you with your request. You must visualize that you have already achieved what you have requested. For example,  you must envision yourself as that desired self.


Step 3: Receive

Prepare yourself to accept your desire. Do not worry about how or when it will happen. You may not receive what you want immediately, but you must watch out for the signs that are sent to you and act upon these clues.



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Your Greatest Self.


If we continue doing the same thing that we've always done, then our lives will never change, but will remain the same. 





Every successful person has a coach.  Think of every successful person or celebrity that you know and I guarantee you that they have a coach which assists, supports and directs them toward continual success.  Einstein made a powerful statement that I believe defines the coaching process .


Simply, “coaching” is the process of helping people develop their capacity to think about things (such as problems, people, relationships, customers, products, services and the future) in new and creative ways so that they can accomplish what they really want to accomplish.   One-on-One Coaching with Lorraine will help you clarify your vision, goals.  Design customized strategies to move your forward and begin accelerating your success.  


As I began this journey, my thoughts shifted when a gentleman told me one day to "Set Yourself Free".

It was news to me because I didn't think I was bound or I didn't think anyone else knew I was bound.  He gave me two good reads that forever changed my life, it awakened my infinite being. Now, I could begin creating the life of my dreams not the life others expected of me or the life dealt to me.  It spoke to my Infinite being.

The good reads : The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz) and The Art of War (Tzu Sun).  Tzu Sun you may say why? I thought the same thing, but reading the book and applying it to my business and communications skills, I learned about myself and others. Also it exemplified strategies to WIN.  I began to create

incremental strategies to become successful in the life I desire. 


The Art of Positive Thinking




  Your Gift






"She's wonderful at helping me get back in charge of my choices and my life. LORRAINE asks questions that get me to look deeply… that help me see and clear out the gunk in my life so I could get to be me."  The Law of Attraction Techniques are amazing.

I started a new business and I finally get to travel and take care of my mom.

Sheree Becker, Little Rock AK


LORRAINE's gifts are a great tool in the process of seeking true purpose.   She identified where I was self sabatoshing my life.  I'm now creating the life I deserve.


- Bobby Turner,  WA


“I moved through some important forgiveness of myself and others – an highly cleansing experience.” I am empowered to do what I am called to do and live a better life.


Andra Smitten, Woodland Hills, Ca

Life is Grand

Lorraine Newby

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